Ultrasonic cleaning is a process that begins when high-frequency sound waves are emitted. The waves become alternating high- and low-pressure waves inside the cleaner's chamber that create tiny bubbles or cavities that eventually burst. The bursting action provides gentle scrubbing known as cavitation. During cavitation, soiled surfaces are cleaned as they come in contact with the bubbles.
You can achieve optimum cleaning results when cavitation takes place under certain conditions. Use a cleaner made with a degassing feature to remove gas from the cleaning solution. The bubbles that form will have a vaccuum effect and act as a suction device against the surface allowing better cleaning.
Safely maintain ultrasonic cleaners by using perforated or mesh trays to suspend your items in order to prevent transducer damage. The transducers that emit the high-frequency sound waves are usually located along the bottom of the cleaning chamber, and can therefore be damaged if items are placed directly on the bottom surface of the cleaner.
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